Monday, March 4, 2019

Get The Most Out of Your RV

Get The Most Out of Your RV

No matter what RV you own or are thinking of purchasing, you’ll want to get the most out of your RV.  RV’s can be used for tailgating at sporting events, attending seasonal festivals or special events, temporary housing for out of town work, vacations, and a host of other applications as well. 

Most RVer’s know that camping and RVing is still America’s most cost-effective style of vacationing.  What most people spend on one, one week vacation, RVer’s spend on a whole season of camping or RVing fun!  That means that they get a lot more fun and recreation for their money! Seasonal camping will help you get the most out of your RV! 

Camping seasonally usually means that your RV stays on the campsite for the whole season or all year, depending upon the kind of camping agreement you have with the Campground or RV Park. 

Seasonal Campers usually occupy a site for a greatly reduced rate, because they have a long-term camping agreement with the park owner, make their payments during the campground or RV park’s off season, and provide winter income for the campground during low cash flow seasons.

Because of this trade-off, there are huge savings to be found for the Seasonal Camper.  They can participate in all the activities and events at the campground, and get a lot more use out of their RV than the person who travels from campground to campground on a regular basis.  Why?  RVing is a lot of fun, but it still involves a lot of work.  The clothes, food, bedding, towels, and personal toiletries need packed, the trailer needs hooked up, towed, set-up, tore down, towed home and unpacked.  Towing isn’t cheap.  There’s wear and tear on the RV, the tow vehicle, and the driver, not to mention the price of gas. 

The Seasonal Camper, cleans and stocks their RV in the spring, stocks food as needed throughout the camping season, and closes it up in the fall.  Other than washing the RV, or regular maintenance, seasonal camping is much less expense and less work – which makes it easier and more pleasurable, and in turn, more likely to be used more often.  It also allows the seasonal camper to spend the savings on other recreational activities like golf or other hobbies, or on other forms of entertainment rather than on gas and vehicle maintenance. 

Seasonal camping has also changed a whole generation’s way of life.  Instead of owning a home in the North and a Vacation home in the south, many people live in their RV’s full time, or own a home in one place and live in the RV in other.  RV’s are easily winterized and that makes it convenient to go south for the winter and leave the RV in the North, or you can always take it with you if you decide to do so!  The RVing industry has not only changed the way we vacation, it’s changed the way we live!

When we combine the convenience, savings, and the versatility, seasonal camping is the best way to get the most out of your RV and your wallet!

Call us today for a list of our available seasonal campsites!  We’re happy to show them to you!  

By Robyn Chilson  (Robyn & her husband Tim, CPO own & operate Meadville KOA Campground in Meadville, PA).

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